Metsä Group’s sales in January–September 2017 were Euro 3,712 million, compared to Euro 3,483 million in January–September 2016. The growth in sales was primarily the result of greater delivery volumes.
The comparable operating result was Euro 381 million, or 10.3% of sales. The operating result improved compared to the previous year due to the positive development in the pulp and paperboard operations. Higher sales volumes improved the operating result in tissue and cooking papers.
Metsä Group’s operating result (IFRS) was Euro 397 million, compared to Euro 333 million in January–September 2016.
Sales in the 3Q 2017 totalled Euro 1,260 million, whereas sales for the corresponding period last year were Euro 1,143 million. The comparable operating result was Euro 134 million. 3Q 2017 operating result increased to Euro 143 million, compared to Euro 107 million in 3Q 2016.
President and CEO Kari Jordan said: “Metsä Group’s profitability during the first three quarters in 2017 was better than in the previous year. In particular, the result improved by higher paperboard delivery volumes and rises in pulp prices.”
Metsä Group is a forerunner in sustainable bioeconomy utilising renewable wood from sustainably managed northern forests. Metsä Group focuses on wood supply and forest services, wood products, pulp, fresh fibre paperboards and tissue and cooking papers.