Norra Timber is investing in six batch kilns from Valutec

Swedish Norra Timber has enjoyed good, long-term productivity trends, which has led to a need for increased kiln capacity. Now it’s investing in three batch kilns each to its sawmills in Kåge and Sävar. In all, the capacity increase totals around 85 000 cubic meters (36 000 MBF).

“We’ve enjoyed good returns on previous investments, which has led to a production increase according to plan. This means we must now increase our kiln capacity. We studied various alternatives, but in the end, Valutec was able to offer the best solution,” says Johan Oja, Technical Manager at Norra Timber.

Norra Skogsägarna and Norrskog merged in May 2020 to form Norra Timber. This means that Norra Timber have three modern sawmills in northern Sweden located in Hissmofors, Kåge and Sävar, which together produce more than 780 000 cubic meters (331 000 MBF) per year.

”We’ve always enjoyed great collaboration with both Norra Skogsägarna and Norrskog, and we’re proud that they’re trusting us to join them on their shared journey,” says Jon Lindberg, Sales Manager at Valutec.

In conjunction with the investment, Norra Timber decided to upgrade the control systems for their existing batch kilns with Valmatics 4.0. In all, Norra Timber invests in 28 control systems.

”Until now, we’ve had both Valmatics and Valmatics 4.0. The ability to work with a single control system improves user-friendliness for our operators while also making operations more efficient,” says Johan.

Valutec’s new Valmatics 4.0 is the only lumber kiln control system to combine simulator technology with adaptive control, enabling the simultaneous optimization of capacity, quality and energy consumption.

The installation of the lumber kilns will begin in November 2020.

For further information, please contact:

Jon Lindberg
Sales Manager
Tel: +46 70-662 9999

Johan Oja
Technical Manager
Norra Timber
Tel: +46 70-335 5258