Highland Pine Product (HPP) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mike Bitzer to the role of General Manager. Mike will replace current General Manager David Knights who recently announced his retirement. David commenced as General Manager in 2016 and since this time has continued to lead the site through growth and change. We thank David for his service to HPP and wish him well in his retirement.
Located in Oberon NSW, HPP is a sawmilling operation employing more than 200 people and is a joint venture owned equally by AKD and Boral. Mike will be seconded to HPP from AKD in November this year and will assume full responsibility for the HPP business and transition out of his current responsibilities as the Chief Technical Officer at AKD.
AKD CEO and HPP Director Shane Vicary comments “the Board is excited about Mike joining HPP in this role and we are looking forward to working with him and the Oberon team as we continue the journey with the many challenges and opportunities that exist at Oberon”.
This is not Mike’s first experience working with the HPP Team, he has a deep understanding of the site having previously worked as the site’s Process Manager, Acting General Manager and almost 5 years as a member of the HPP Board.
Mike combines a highly energetic and passionate approach with significant sawmilling experience, relevant skills, and industry relationships having worked within and been respected in the timber industry for the past 30 years. Mike’s experience, passion and drive will support the team in in identifying and executing on growth and improvement opportunities.
The HPP Board wish Mike all the best in this new role and again thank David for his time with HPP.