Delta Motion and acontis technologies team up on EtherCAT


Delta Motion, a leading innovator in industrial motion control, announced the addition of EtherCAT MainDevice capability to its RMC200 Motion Controller.

By partnering with acontis technologies and leveraging their robust software suite, Delta Motion has successfully implemented a full-featured and highly flexible product. The addition of EtherCAT MainDevice capability to the RMC200 offers unparalleled flexibility for connecting to and controlling any devices needed for high-performance hydraulic and electric motion control in industrial applications.

Why acontis

Delta Motion faced challenges with other options that didn’t meet their standards. Turning to acontis, they immediately recognized acontis’ renowned competency, comprehensive product portfolio, and responsive support. acontis provided detailed support and accommodated numerous requests, enabling Delta to tailor the software for a seamless customer experience.

With acontis’ 20-year track record as a leader in EtherCAT technology, and ongoing maintenance and updates of its software, Delta is confident this will be an enduring partnership that keeps Delta’s software abreast of the latest EtherCAT developments.

“Delta is known for providing the best possible combination of performance and ease of use,” says Steve Nylund, CEO of Delta Motion. “We wanted our EtherCAT implementation to be as user-friendly and robust as our customers have come to expect from Delta. Teaming up with acontis technologies was crucial for achieving this, and our engineers were pleased with their responsiveness and support during the integration process. Initial response to the product has confirmed that we are meeting our high standards.”

Tested and Proven Reliability

In addition to the decades of testing and field experience that acontis’ has put into its EC-Master EtherCAT MainDevice stack, Delta’s integration of the stack into the RMC200 has undergone extensive beta testing with a range of customers and applications. These trials allowed Delta Motion to fine-tune the EtherCAT implementation, ensuring stability and performance across diverse use cases. Multiple firmware updates during the beta phase incorporated real-world feedback, creating a product ready for immediate deployment.

“Our beta testers played a crucial role in helping us refine the EtherCAT modules capabilities,” says Steve Nylund. “The feedback we received confirmed that our solution delivers exceptional performance and reliability right out of the gate.”

I/O Your Way

The RMC200, already renowned for its robust performance and versatility, now offers more options with the addition of EtherCAT support. The RMC200 can handle up to 50 axes of position and pressure control, and supports any combination of directly-connected and EtherCAT I/O. For example, on machines incorporating

both hydraulic and electric motion, users may choose EtherCAT-enabled drives for electric axes, paired with traditional directly-connected servo-proportional valves and feedback sensors for the hydraulic axes.

“Electric drives with EtherCAT often provide significant advantages with no cost adder, while the benefits for other devices depend on the application,” says Steve Nylund. “Our goal is to give our customers the capability to implement best-in-class systems.”

Why EtherCAT

High-Speed Communication: EtherCAT technology, known for its high speed and minimal jitter, ensures precise real-time control of complex motion systems.

Scalability: The RMC200 supports up to 50 axes of motion, extending its application into larger systems. EtherCAT can handle a large number of networked devices without significant performance degradation.

Flexibility: The widespread global adoption of EtherCAT, especially for motor drives, means more devices can easily connect to Delta’s RMC200 Motion Controllers.

Reduced Wiring: EtherCAT can significantly reduce wiring costs and complexity for many systems, reducing installation time and costs.

Contact Information

For more information about the RMC200 with EtherCAT support, please contact:

Delta Motion

Phone: +1 (360) 254-8688

Email: technicalsales@


For more information about EtherCAT software and services, please contact:

acontis technologies

Phone: +49 751 5 60 30 30





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