The world’s tallest hardwood tree has been discovered less than 5 km from Forestry Tasmania’s Tahune Airwalk tourism attraction. It is the only known standing hardwood tree in the world to be over 100 m tall. The trees are located in State forest, south of Hobart.
Forestry Tasmania (FT) staff found the Eucalyptus regnans using an airborne laser scanner (LiDAR), which had been flown over the area in August. This technology is world leading and FT has been developing it to measure tree volume, develop digital terrain maps and to monitor carbon storage. The LiDAR imagery appeared to show two very tall trees standing side by side.
Laser signals reflected off the canopy of the higher of the two trees showed it was at least 99 m above the ground. The trees were located and inspected from the ground on Monday. The two trees, included what is believed to be the world’s tallest hardwood, which stands at 101 m tall. Details of the two trees, both Swamp Gums, (measured with a laser using the ‘sine method’) are as follows: The Centurion – Height 100-101 m. Because the sight to the very top of the tree was partially obscured by the tree’s healthy crown, it may be taller. Diameter: 405 cm. Triarius – Height 86.5 m. Clear sight to the very top of the tree.