Ence opens its new biomass generation plant in Puertollano, Spain

Ence opened in Puertollano, Spain its new renewable energy generation plant with low emission biomass of 50 MW, as the company said in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

The new 50 MW biomass generation plant is a clear example of a just energy transition, contributing very positively to the environment. In fact, it stands out for its high generation of direct, indirect and induced employment (about 27 jobs per installed MW). It will produce an estimated 325,000 MWh / year, equivalent to the energy needs of more than 60,000 people. To do this, it will consume around 238,000 tons / year of biomass, among which is pomace, vine shoots and shoots, olive leaf, and woody forest and agricultural remains.

All of this biomass will comply with the Decalogue of Ence for the Sustainability of Biomass as a Fuel, a pioneering initiative in the Spanish company launched to guarantee its commitment to sustainability in the use of biomass and the care of the environment in the use from this renewable energy source. In addition, the activity of the Puertollano plant will allow a strong reduction in the uncontrolled burning of agricultural stubble – which has a high environmental impact -, while contributing to the maintenance of more than 1,300 direct, indirect and indirect jobs, induced, most of them in rural areas. These jobs will be added to the 500 direct jobs generated by the plant during its construction.

Ence has made an investment of about Euro 100 million in its new plant that has the Best Available Techniques to guarantee a permanent respect for the environment and the highest levels of energy efficiency in such an installation.