Tag Archives: edgers


USNR – Catech Edgers with Value Optimization for Moelven Mjösbruket

USNR’s Catech-brand edgers are known for their high speed and accurate volume recovery. Now, with the addition of full-color vision, they will also be offered with value optimization. Several systems have found their way to the market and Millwide Insider has visited one of them, at Moelven Mjøsbruket in Norway.

The Swedish range of Catech edgers originates from the mid-seventies, when the first computerized edger optimizers were designed. Since then, Catech has been the leading brand in high-speed edging and more than 600 systems have been installed. Catech also pioneered the technology for unmanned operation, and even today most competitors need a dedicated edger operator to run the systems.

Today’s edger optimizers are highly developed precision machines. The geometric scanning and optimization match the speed and accuracy of the mechanical entities, such as the infeed table and edger saw box. In other words, the speed and volume recovery are at the very limit of what is possible for today’s technology.

While European-style edgers traditionally have relied on geometric scanning and optimization for maximum volume, USNR’s North American operations have utilized vision scanning and value optimization since 2009, when the first system was installed in the US.

To read previous USNR posts click here.


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JoeScan to debut new scan heads, the JS-50

VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON, USA – The sawmill scanning experts at JoeScan will soon bring the proven simplicity of their JS-50 scan head to more parts of the sawmill.

“Mills love how our latest JS-50 WX model performs on their edgers and trimmers,” says JoeScan president Joey Nelson. “It’s a robust, reliable platform that is very easy to use. So we’ve been working hard to develop next-gen scanners for more machine centers.”

JoeScan will debut several new scanners at the TP&EE trade show in Portland, Oregon on September 28, 29, and 30. Stop by their booth or visit joescan.com to learn more.

For other JoeScan related posts click here.


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