Tag Archives: mato grosso

Mato Grosso

Brazil: Mato Grosso to double forest management area by 2030

In the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil, there are some 3.2 million hectares of sustainably managed forests and this is expected to rise to 6 million hectares by 2030, as ITTO reports.

In all 44 municipalities in Mato Grosso the domestic economy is driven by the forestry sector which ranks 4th amongst all economic sectors. In 2017 the forestry sector contributed more than R$47 million ($12.6 million) in taxes and over R$16 million ($4.3 million) towards the State Fund for Transportation and Housing (FETHAB).

Forest management in Mato Grosso is very complex and involves compliance with numerous regulations. In addition, authorisations and supervision of forestry activities, including harvesting, transportation and trade, involves several government agencies and the Brazilian Federal Highway Police making management overly bureaucratic.